Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Photo on my Driver's License

Good afternoon blogosphere! Lovely to see you today. Let's do this.

Last night, or possibly this morning, as it was quite late, I was Skyping with a friend, and we were comparing wallet contents. I'm a fulltime student, and as such, I am eternally broke, and don't really look in their much, so I had really forgotten all the crazy stuff I have in there.

After a few minutes, we got down to the good stuff: the student IDs, the old photos, and of course, the dreaded license photo. My's few ways to describe it. To say it doesn't look like me is an understatement. Whenever I have used it for identification purposes, undoubtedly some explanation is needed. And that got me to thinking, why is everyone's DL photo so terrible.

It can't be about the cost of film, at least not now. When I got my license, everything was digital, so no cost wasted on film equipment there. The license lady never gave me another chance to take that picture, so now I'm stuck looking a little more...ethnic...than I usually do.

So really...I don't drive much anymore, due to the lack of automobile money that I possess, but seriously, I have to live with this photo until May 11, 2012, and people see it frequently. Would it have been so hard to snap another?

But I digress.

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