Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Good evening!

Let’s start the ranting.

Recently there have been far too many of these “POST THIS IF YOU SUPPORT ___________” showing up on my facebook news feed. Examples to fill in that blank include gay rights, mothers, fathers, cancer patients/survivors, Jesus, prochoice/prolife, and the list goes on and on.

These posts aggravate me so much.

Let’s get some things straight. Gay people should have rights, I love my parents, cancer is a bad thing, if you believe in Jesus I have nothing against you, and your preference in abortion rights is none of my business. That being said. I haaaaaate these damn posts.

Actually. I don’t just hate these posts. I hate “awareness”.

I am constantly bombarded with requests to help raise awareness, and I’m pretty sick of it. Especially because most of the things you’re trying people aware of, they’re already very aware of. The one I hate the dang most is anything involving cancer. And the thing I hate the dang most out of the things I hate the dang most is this whole “I like it on the floor” thing. I am pretty damn aware that breast cancer happens, but by saying “where I like it” I have not helped anyone. I hate to say it’s all about the money but it really is. Giving the cancer society $20. That will help someone.

Movember. Guys. I applaud your efforts into cancer awareness. Prostate cancer is pretty awful, and I’m happy you guys care. But when it comes down to it, did you raise any money? Did you help a survivor, or someone currently suffering from cancer? Even better, did any of you get screened for cancer of any type? Or did you just look scruffy for a month? I know people on both sides: those who raised money, and those who looked like hoboes for 30 days.

Long story short. You’re better off helping somebody directly. If you care about gay rights, how about you write the government, or help out at LGBT group. If you want to let your parents know you care, why don’t you tell them, instead of telling facebook. The Canadian Cancer society is always looking for donations of both time and money. There are always ways you can help, but by telling me you’d like to help, you aren’t really helping anyone.

But I digress.

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