Monday, November 29, 2010


Once again loyal readers, I find myself out of things to be angry about. In recent news, my boyfriend and I have cultivated a stronger relationship, I have great friends, and have nothing to rant about. UNTIL NOW.

I'm a typical university student, and as such I live in residence, mostly out of convenience as well as the fact that I don't think my mother trusts me out on my own in the world just yet. Of course, what are residences known for? Their wild and crazy outrageous parties!


The parties.

Guess who doesn't party?

It's me.

Don't get me wrong, I've been to parties before. I like going to parties. But now, as a mature and responsible student, I have put my studies ahead of my own enterainment, and no longer go partying because I'd much rather study that chemistry. I know what you're thinking: I'm an exciting person. (Sarcasm BTW.)

So last Saturday, I am sitting in my room. It is 7 pm. I am studying some biology diligently. Then it starts. The blasting music, complete with a sub woofer so powerful it makes my bed shake from over 100 feet away. The people running up and down the halls screaming. The general drunkenness and debauchery that accompany any party of magnitude.

Now, as I said, I have nothing against parties. I have a problem with drunks. Because while this specific incident happened on a Saturday, it also happened on the Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday of that week. They decided to give up Thursday this week. Living in a relatively isolated hallway, I know who was at those parties, and it was the same people every night, and each time they were wasted beyond belief.

That is a type of party lifestyle that borders on alcoholism. Not to mention the great cost associated with being drunk 6 nights a week.

In short, I'm a good student. I want to graduate on time, preferably with marks I'm proud of. I don't understand how these people are going to do that because it seems all they have time for is getting drunk, and who has time to study when the tequila is calling?

But I digress.

1 comment:

  1. I must say, I enjoy your blogs. You should start writting more. :D
